Specializing in made-to-order white pine, douglas fir and cedar.

A wide array of white pine timbers carefully selected and aged for top quality. In our 32' x 126' drying shed, it takes 2 to 4 years before our timbers are ready for market.  

Aged for Ageless Beauty and Top Performance

Our white pine timbers exemplify the care and perfection with which we approach the art and science of providing the world's best Northwoods timber products.

We supply white pine timbers because our majestic northern white pine trees provide what is considered the finest quality wood available in the lake states. White pine in our forests is slow growing, reaching towering heights of 100 feet or more with average dimensions of 24 to 30 inches at the stump. 

Our Process

When you purchase our white pine timbers you can be assured of receiving the best quality timbers on the market. We carefully select our timbers in the forest before the tree is cut off the stump. We then saw all of our timbers oversized by 1/2 inch, and then dry them for as much as four years in our 32-foot by 126-foot drying shed. On a standard 3-year rotation, our timbers slowly air dry to ensure a better product.

When we receive an order, we cut the timbers to the exact size specified by the client. This results in a beautiful and bright sawn timber that is sure to delight. 

Our timbers are perfect for even the largest projects, with lengths of up to 32 feet available.

Only the Best for Your Timber Needs

We feel quite sure that our exacting standards result in the best white pine timbers available in the market today. Contact us today to find out how our timbers can add solidity, class, beauty and charm to your project.



1281 Big Musky Rd
Springstead, WI 54552
Hours: 7am - 3pm, M-F

Call Us now

+1 (715) 583 2202


Fax: 715 583 2331